
Professor of European Policy Studies - University of Strathclyde

Professor John Bachtler is Professor of European Policy Studies at the University of Strathclyde where he is also a Director of the European Policies Research Centre. He is also a Director of EPRC Delft, based at the Technical University of Delft. His research experience is principally in regional and territorial development in Europe, encompassing the economic development policies of 30 European, the structural and cohesion policies of the European Union, and EU integration. He has led EPRC research on regional policy, rural development, territorial development, foreign investment, RTDI and policy evaluation. In this capacity, he has been an expert adviser to numerous government departments across Western, Central and Eastern Europe, and an adviser to European organisations (European Parliament, European Commission, Committee of the Regions (inc. COTER), European Court of Auditors), the V4+4, OECD and Nordic Council of Ministers. He has been an Expert Adviser to 12 EU Presidencies over the past 20 years on integrated territorial development, Cohesion Policy, and budget and regulatory reform. He co-directs the EoRPA programme of research on regional and territorial policies in Europe (funded by economics ministries in AT, CH, DE, FI, IT, NL, NO, PL, PT, SE, UK) and the IQ-Net programme of research and knowledge-exchange on the management and implementation of Structural Funds across the EU (funded by managing authorities in AT, BE, CZ, EL, ES, DE, DK, FI, HU, PL, PT, UK). He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Fellow of the Academy of Social Science, and Fellow of the Regional Studies Association.